Cutting Porcelain Floor Tiles
Porcelain floor tiles are one of the most durable and long-lasting tiles available in the market. They are made by firing clay and other minerals at extremely high temperatures, resulting in a dense and hard material. However, cutting porcelain floor tiles can be challenging due to their hardness and thickness. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks for cutting porcelain floor tiles.
Using a Tile Cutter
A tile cutter is the most common tool used for cutting porcelain floor tiles. The cutter consists of a sharp wheel that scores the surface of the tile, and a lever that breaks the tile along the scored line. To use the tile cutter, mark the cutting line on the tile with a marker or pencil. Then, place the tile on the cutter and align the cutting line with the wheel. Apply pressure on the lever to score the tile. Finally, use the lever to snap the tile along the scored line.
Using a Wet Saw
A wet saw is a power tool that uses water to cool the blade and lubricate the cutting surface. Wet saws are ideal for cutting porcelain tiles because they produce clean and accurate cuts. To use a wet saw, fill the water reservoir with clean water and turn on the saw. Place the tile on the cutting bed and align it with the blade. Slowly push the tile towards the blade, making sure to keep your hands and fingers away from the blade. Once the cut is complete, turn off the saw and wipe the tile clean.
Using a Glass Cutter
A glass cutter can also be used to cut porcelain floor tiles. Glass cutters have a diamond or tungsten carbide tip that can score the surface of the tile. To use a glass cutter, mark the cutting line on the tile and hold the cutter firmly against the tile. Apply pressure to the cutter to score the tile. Then, place the tile on a flat surface and apply pressure on both sides of the scored line to snap the tile along the scored line. This method is ideal for small or irregular cuts.
Using a Rotary Tool
A rotary tool with a diamond cutting wheel can also be used to cut porcelain floor tiles. To use a rotary tool, attach a diamond cutting wheel to the tool and mark the cutting line on the tile. Hold the tool firmly against the tile and slowly guide it along the cutting line. Apply gentle pressure on the tool to avoid chipping the tile. This method is ideal for making small cuts or for cutting curves or shapes.
Using a Manual Tile Snapper
A manual tile snapper is a handheld tool that can be used to snap porcelain floor tiles along a straight line. To use the tile snapper, mark the cutting line on the tile and place the tile inside the tool. Align the cutting line with the snapper's guide and apply pressure on the handle to snap the tile along the line. This method is ideal for making small cuts or for quick and simple cuts.
Cutting porcelain floor tiles requires patience, skill, and the right tools. Whether you use a tile cutter, wet saw, glass cutter, rotary tool, or manual tile snapper, it is important to take your time and practice on a few tiles before starting your project. Always wear safety goggles and gloves when cutting porcelain tiles to protect your eyes and hands. With the right tools and techniques, you can achieve clean and precise cuts on your porcelain floor tiles.